Photo Gallery B -
Building, history, and items of interest

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The east wall of the church, facing north toward the front of the church.

The front of the church.

The west wall of the church, facing north toward the front of the church.

The annex, built in 1995 after the previous annex was damaged in a storm. The modern design was required by the historical society, to differentiate the new building from the historic building.

This tree, a Compton Oak, holds a MS Champion Tree Certificate as the largest tree of its kind in Mississippi.

The sanctuary of the church, as viewed from the front door.

Each wall of the sanctuary has four large windows.

Many windows still have panes of hand-blown glass. Notice the waviness of the pane on the right, as well as the two air bubbles.

The Rogers Memorial Worship Area. This is an area of the annex dedicated to Rogers Memorial UMC, a former sister church on the Washington Charge.

These communion cloths, including the hand-crocheted lace, were made by Mrs. Jodie Redden.

A painting of the William Foster House. William and Rachel Foster were charter members of Washington Methodist Church. Their house was the site of the first Mississippi Annual Conference in 1816.

This document, titled "The Tree of Methodism" and dated 1888, was found in the attic of the former home of Rev. J.B. Cain, a Methodist minister and historian, who was a member of Washington UMC.

During the late 1800s and early 1900s, cadets from Jefferson Military College, which was operating as a preparatory school, would attend worship services at Washington Methodist. The young men left their mark on many of the pews in the church. The first picture includes the date 5/24/08, and the second picture includes the date 1906.07.

In addition to the pews, a few young men left their mark on the bricks of the church. This young man was apparently interrupted before finishing the date of his carving.

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